Hey there,
I’m Devin.
I’m a women’s self-love coach who helps people around the world learn the transformational power of self-love so they can radically heal their lives.
I was like you once. Feeling sad, a general heaviness over my life, and uncertain what my purpose or mission was here on earth. I spent years in indecision, self-doubt and comparison wondering if there was something uniquely wrong with me.
It seemed as though life was harder for me for some reason. My emotions were bigger, my decisions were bigger, my struggles were bigger. In many ways I felt, “too much” and like I needed to hide parts of myself just to get along in life.
I vaguely remembered a time when I was happy and carefree, but I didn’t know how to get back to that girl.
My spiritual awakening, and personal development journey had opened my eyes to past hurts and present pain in the world and I wondered, “how is everyone just going about life as usual?” To me, the world and my heart felt tender and broken, and I wasn’t sure how to put things back together.
I tried yoga, therapy and mindset coaching, but it wasn’t until I dove deep into the work of self-love that I started to breathe again. I realized that in order to love my life, I needed to first love myself.
I needed to find that girl inside me who was happy to be herself and to let her take center stage, again.
I needed to stop comparing myself to everyone else and feeling that they had some secret ingredient to life.
I needed to claim a conscious (yet joyful) spirituality that helped activate me in my life, rather than leave me feeling despondent about all the problems in the world.
I believe you want to be happy again, too. To feel confident and finally trust yourself with your life. You want to be able to be seen (without shame), speak your truth and step into your purpose. You want to create a joyful life of healthy habits and relationships that brings color and meaning to your day-to-day. You want to release that inner critic that has been nagging at you for years, and finally feel at ease with being you. (Maybe even LOVE being you!) You want more than just a temporary solution, you want to come home to yourself so you know who you are, what you were created for, and how to lead a life you love. I want that for you, too.
Through the transformational power of self-love, I teach my clients how to heal their hearts and step into self-sovereignty.
My clients learn my signature 7 Pillars of Sacred Self-Love and in doing so they are able to:
Identify and process their emotions, gaining the ability to understand and validate what they feel while not letting their emotions “run the show” of their life
Love themselves and stop feeling so much shame, for who they are, past mistakes and what makes them unique. They begin to cherish their own story and uniqueness.
Release their inner critic. Using the power of metacognition and narrative “rescripting”, my clients learn to manage the story in their mind and tell themselves more kind messages, so they can be their own best friend vs. their own worst critic.
Anchor into their truth. Finding confidence in who they are, what they believe (even if those beliefs are in flux), and the truth of who they are: wildy, wonderfully loved.
Why I coach on self-love:
After living for over 10 years as my own worst critic, I had a profound “moment in the mountains.”
While on a spiritual retreat in the mountains of Southern California, my table mates and I began talking about a person we know who was truly a great friend to themselves. I remarked, “I am not a great friend to myself.” To which my fellow retreat-goer, Joe, replied, “Devin, if you’re not your own best friend, who are you to yourself?”
This simple question struck a chord in my heart and I began to cry. Knowing that the answer was, “I’m my own worst critic.”
I will always be grateful for that “moment in the mountains”, when a simple question shifted the paradigm for me.
So many of us live as our own worst critic without even realizing it. Unless we happen to have a special person like Joe who helps us to see it, or we wake up to it ourselves. It’s likely that you are living as your own worst critic, too, and maybe even experiencing feelings of self-hatred or loathing. I did at times.
I coach on self-love because I know there is another way to live now.
I’ve practiced the 7 Pillars of Sacred Self-Love—Compassion, Affection, Reverence, Validation, Trust, Sovereignty, and Radiance—and I’ve learned to truly love who I am and show others how to do the same.
Falling in love with yourself does not mean you “settle.” Far from it.
Loving yourself means that you begin to use kindness, mindfulness, compassion and emotional regulation to grow into the woman you want to become. (Rather than the berating, shaming, and criticizing that you’ve probably tried, unsuccessfully, thus far.)
Women I work best with:
Women in quarter-to-mid life (20-50ish) who are:
deep feelers and deep thinkers (who like to spend time in the big questions of life)
committed to their personal growth and healing
would describe themselves as “spiritual”, “faith-filled” or “soulful”
big-hearted women who want to make a difference with their lives
ready to expand into more freedom, joy, and self-leadership
have a “learner’s mind” and love to read and watch anything related to personal growth (books, webinars, courses, podcasts…)
are enthusiastic, and possibility-thinkers, yet they feel somewhat stuck in their life (career, relationships…),
they are going through an awakening phase
they feel lost and need some guidance in life, knowing that they have a purpose, but unsure how to live it out!
they desire to be bold, speak up, and live their truth (once they gain the self-trust and confidence to do so)
How I can help you:
I help women own their lives through the practice of sacred self-love:
stop doubting yourself
stop letting the inner critic “run the show” of your life
stop swirling in indecision
stop repeating toxic/painful relationship patterns (that you needed at one point, but you’re ready to outgrow)
stop being weighed down by a vague heaviness that covers your life
stop being your own worst critic
Stop worrying about everyone else’s opinion of you
Own your life. Love who you are. Emerge as the woman you came here to be.
Many people I work with feel like the worst case scenario for their life would be to never live up to their potential—to never become who they were meant to be.
My philosophy? Learn to love yourself unconditionally, and you will undoubtedly become all you were meant to be...and more.
Want to start on this path? Join my signature program SACRED. Learn More.
Imagine what
self-love could do
for you…
Things to know (because credentials—and fun facts— matter!)
I am a…
Beautiful You Life Coach
Gallup® Strengths Certified Coach
Strong Interest Inventory Certified Coach
Graduate of Stanford University with a concentration in Social Development & Human Wellbeing
5,000+ Coaching Hours Logged
1,000+ Students + Clients over the past 5 years
Fantasy Lover & nerd—my favorite movie(s) are The Lord of The Rings Trilogy
Fan of Latin dancing, biking and yoga—my favorite ways to move, sweat and feel alive!
Get to know Devin more:
Click on logos below to access Devin’s Interviews on these podcasts.
Sacred Self Love. Thinking of that on its own might feel heavy or unattainable. But this conversation with Devin brings so much lightness and joy and possibility and hope to the practice of Sacred Self Love.
The Blonde Bombshell Podcast: “How To Design the Life You Want” with Special Guest Devin Jones
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